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How to Increase Productivity Levels and Morale in Your Service Department

When speeches, pizza, and donuts aren’t producing the results you need, it’s time to take a closer look at the processes in place.

Do your technicians seem happy at work? Are they compensated fairly? Do they feel heard? Appreciated? 

Are there financial incentives in place for them to strive towards? If so, are they attainable?

Creating financial incentives is a popular way to motivate employees for one reason: it works! Come up with incentives that make sense for your company, but make sure that the incentives are attainable. For example, having an incentive of $50 for no legitimate comebacks in a month is (or should be) attainable. Having that incentive for a year is not.

Other attainable incentives include:

  1. $50 for the employee with the most positive reviews each month

  2. $60 for most hours turned in a month

  3. ($50 for 2nd and $30 for third if you are a large dealership)

  4. $25 for each week of no legitimate comebacks

Through long-term incentives, you can increase performance levels by giving your technicians something to strive for.

This may include:

  1. $400 for no legitimate comebacks in a year

  2. $150 for most hours turned in a year

  3. $200 for least number of legitimate comebacks in a year (if no one hits zero)

Having both short term and long term goals can be a major morale booster and letting employees control their paychecks with attainable incentives helps them feel more appreciated and more dedicated to their work.

You can use Patriot Asset Management to reduce down time by providing incentives and discounts to your customers as well. Send customized discounts through your own Branded Dealer App and gain retention in your Service Center and Dealership.

If you liked this post, be sure to check out ways to reduce dealership turnover and contact pam@patriotassetmanagement with any questions.


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