Figuring out how you’re going to pay your BDC reps is essential. There are a lot of factors to consider such as:
Base Pay
Amount per Appointment
Amount per Show
Amount per Sale
Bonuses can be anything from Show Rate to Campaign Calls to Number of “Assists”. An assist may occur when one agent helps close the appointment for a coworker (also known as a T/O). Other times, assists may come from agents taking calls on someone’s lunch break or day off.
Not all dealers offer bonuses for assists, but this is something worth considering as it promotes teamwork and encourages the BDC to treat every call like it is their customer they’re talking to.
When offering Assist Bonuses, managers could:
Provide a dollar amount for each assist resulting in an appointment set, shown, or sold
Pay for assists on a tiered plan
Tiered pay plans work great when creating a balance inside the BDC.
Some managers fear that paying per appointment will encourage the staff to log false appointments. Tiered plans reduce the fear by paying out appointments with lower show rates at a lesser cost than appointments with higher show rates.
Another benefit of tiered pay plans is that it allows the agent to have more control over their pay and to share the same interests as their managers.
Whether or not you elect to have a tiered pay plan, make sure the pay that you offer is competitive. BDC agents work long hours and need tough skin to make those calls. It’s important that they know they are appreciated for what they do and that their managers see their worth.
Make sure the right manager is leading the department and that agents are supplied with word guides that meet their needs. For more BDC resources and training, contact our team at